Q. JoAnne Carner, welcome back. How did it feel out there today?
JOANNE CARNER: It felt good. It's always great to be back at any USGA event.
Q. Your swing looked good all week and then again today. Have you been practicing much?
JOANNE CARNER: I've been practicing a lot and really kind of spinning my wheels, and then I started to get the move here and had it on the range this morning, and the first hole, then I fought it.
Once in a while I'd hit one, but it was just work all day.
Q. We were standing on 9 green; could you see how close it went to almost going in?
JOANNE CARNER: No, my eyes aren't that good, but I appreciated the applause. I knew I could finally maybe make a birdie.
Q. You shot 80 on an extremely difficult golf course today. Do you think you can go lower than that?
JOANNE CARNER: Yes, yes. I missed a lot of greens. Well, I go in, it plays long for me because I have a 9-degree driver and I'm driving right into those hills, and I can't adjust it, so I don't get the carry, and I'm going in with long clubs all day, 3-woods all day long second shots, and then can't get there.
Q. What do you do now? Are you going to practice?
JOANNE CARNER: I haven't practiced except yesterday I hit about 20 balls because of the smoke in the area and whatnot.
Q. Did you have a target score in mind today?
JOANNE CARNER: Well, yeah, but it's a little outrageous. 69 sounds wonderful to me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports