THE MODERATOR: Great playing. Just wrap up yesterday and today briefly.
CHRISTA JOHNSON: I think the best part is I had a great group to play in. We all were playing well.
I love the grass in the northwest, and so the greens are putting amazingly well.
I had good lag putts yesterday. I didn't have the best club selections. I had great club selections and read a little bit too much break on occasion, but otherwise I just played a solid round.
Q. All three of you in the group, as you said, played really well. How does that help your mindset, your game, when everyone is playing so well?
CHRISTA JOHNSON: Well, you're not so distracted. You're not looking for balls. You're not worried about being behind. Play moves along nicely.
Everyone, we hit it fairly similar, so it just moved along nicely.
Q. Heading into the weekend, what's it going to take on this golf course specifically?
CHRISTA JOHNSON: I have no idea. It's the U.S. Open. Anything can happen. You just don't predict.
I'm going to go and -- I even have some better course management ideas on how to play the course a little bit better on a couple holes, and I'm going to stick to my plan, and I'm going to play a lot of golf, and I'll stop when someone tells me we're done.
Q. Scores seem to be a little bit higher today. Is it playing differently today than it did yesterday?
CHRISTA JOHNSON: I can't answer that. I felt like it played pretty similar. I had shorter putts today. I just didn't make them. Yesterday I had longer putts.
But who knows if it's me or the field.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports