U.S Senior Women's Open Championship

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Fox Chapel Golf Club

Christa Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. Let me ask you about your comeback here. You got off to a tough start, but you pulled it back together. How did that all happen?

CHRISTA JOHNSON: Just worked on my focus and tried to hit good shots. I had a couple -- I had poor management on No. 5, but I hit a very good shot. So I started hitting better shots at that point.

Q. When you got to the turn you birdied 9 and 10. Can you talk about that, and did that get you going?

CHRISTA JOHNSON: I hit it close on 9, and 10, it just felt good. I've been putting pretty good and seeing the line. I just needed to hit some greens.

Q. When you got through 10, did you feel like you were back in control of your game?

CHRISTA JOHNSON: Well, I had a really good up-and-down on No. 11, so not necessarily, but we were able to finish 13, had a good up-and-down on 13, and came out today and just hit it a little bit better.

I had a chunk of mud on my ball on 14, though, and who knows where that went, and it ended up being close. It wasn't on one side or the other, and most of it ended up being on my club. But that's pot luck. You just don't know. It worked out well.

Q. Were you down in the sand mode on 11?

CHRISTA JOHNSON: I was right in the middle of the fairway. I hit a great drive, and I couldn't see it from the tee, and it was because it was full of mud.

Q. Then you went and birdied 14 and 15.

CHRISTA JOHNSON: Yeah, I hit an interesting shot on 15, and it ended up on the top shelf. That made it nice.

Q. Can you talk about how interesting it was?

CHRISTA JOHNSON: It was a little thin and then it hit below and it rolled up the hill, so it worked out.

Q. What club did you hit?

CHRISTA JOHNSON: I hit an 8-iron.

Q. How close did it roll up to?


Q. Basically it was a tough start, you got back into position, and here you are not that far out of the lead halfway through it. What do you have to do to win this thing?

CHRISTA JOHNSON: Just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and taking shots and hitting the next one and staying in the moment.

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