U.S. Women's Amateur Four-Ball

Monday, April 26, 2021

Carrollton, Texas, USA

Maridoe Golf Club

Mehan Stasi

Dawn Woodard

Quick Quotes

MEGHAN STASI: We did start off solid, and just hit -- it's really difficult to hit a lot of solid shots in the wind, so me personally, Meghan, I just didn't hit a lot of shots that I needed to on the correct line, and this course will eat you up.

We just gave a lot of strokes away.

DAWN WOODARD: Yeah, missed a few opportunities.

Q. I saw some bogeys on the card; that definitely helped --

MEGHAN STASI: No, not in match play and not in four-ball.

Q. What did you think about the two kids?

MEGHAN STASI: Yeah, nice game. They played pretty solid. When one was out of the hole, one stepped in, and they played solid.

DAWN WOODARD: It's such a fine line out here. The course is playing so hard and fast that it's fine lines between shots being good shots and not good, and seemed like as the round went on today, we were on the -- we kind of had the fine line.

We got the bad break and they had the fine line and got the good break a few times coming in. It was just going to be close either way. The wind was totally in play.

Q. You guys have played together six years now; how did that get started and what keeps you together?

DAWN WOODARD: We joke and say because it's nobody else will play with us. No, I mean, it's been great. Technically I guess we've played seven years because we qualified last year and then it was a no-go.

But, you know, I guess -- we kind of got together just for playing against each other in Mid-Ams and everything else, and games are very similar, and when it all started it sounded like a great idea and it's working, so we keep using it.

MEGHAN STASI: We just have a lot of fun, too. Everywhere we go --

DAWN WOODARD: We turn it into an adventure. We've got some great adventures and little road trips off of it. It's a lot more than just the golf; how about that?

MEGHAN STASI: We've got good support systems at home. We've got -- husbands are great, families are great, so they afford us to come out here and --

DAWN WOODARD: -- be able to do this. We're on the back end of playing in Arizona last week, so this is about eight or nine days of golf for us. That's about as many as I play in the first half of a year.

It's been a fun nine, ten days of golf, though.

Q. How many more years do you guys want to keep doing this? Do you think you'll come back for two more years or ten more years or --

DAWN WOODARD: Not going anywhere.

MEGHAN STASI: We're not going anywhere. We'll keep trying it. Don't mess up a good thing. I don't think anybody else will play with us, so we'd better stick with each other.

Q. I didn't want to suggest you guys were ancient, but when you play against these younger kids it sounds like it was a closer match than 3 & 2 looks.

MEGHAN STASI: Yeah, definitely on the front nine we gave a few away. We definitely had more opportunities.

DAWN WOODARD: I mean, well, they made a long putt on 8, and then we probably had a good opportunity I thought to kind of get back in it on 10.

They were in a little bit of trouble and Avery chipped and hit the flag, and I think that kind of took a little wind out of our sail right there.

But like I said, they got a couple of good breaks and we couldn't take advantage of anything that we got, so we came out on the short end today.

Q. Did you think 14 was kind of a key, too, that you guys birdied it and they did, too?

DAWN WOODARD: Well, actually they were close. Meghan made the longer of the two putts there for birdie.

MEGHAN STASI: I believe she had a hole-in-one there yesterday if I'm not mistaken.

Q. How far away was she?

MEGHAN STASI: She was downhill about five feet.

Q. Meghan, how long was your putt?

MEGHAN STASI: It was about a 15-footer, downhill slider.

Q. What's next?


MEGHAN STASI: I have an Open qualifier on May 3rd, so that's pretty much right around the corner, and then I go up to Philly to play in a golf tournament.

DAWN WOODARD: I think I have the AGA Mid-Am in Pinehurst at the end of May is the next thing I've got. Forest Creek, a lot of back to home and being mom between now and then.

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107005-1-1041 2021-04-26 22:59:00 GMT

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