U.S. Women's Amateur Four-Ball

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Carrollton, Texas, USA

Maridoe Golf Club

Katie James

Ashley Chow

Quick Quotes

Q. What happened with your clubs?

KATIE JAMES: My car was parked at my apartment complex, thankfully we're staying at home, 25 minutes away and I woke up this morning aren't took a look in the back and they were gone.

Q. So you guys played with, you, so you only played with different clubs or your clubs?

KATIE JAMES: We both played with different clubs. Both of our clubs were in my car.

Q. So where did the clubs that you played with today come from?

KATIE JAMES: I ran back upstairs and hopefully my roommate, who was also on the team, her clubs were just laying in our living room and I ran inside, grabbed those, threw them in the car and Ashley used...

ASHLEY CHOW: And then like I was waiting for Katie and I called my dad and I was like our clubs got stolen and I was like, I guess we're going to have to -- I thought we were going to share our teammate's set. And he's like -- he was like barely lucid, I woke him up, and he's like, Wait, like isn't your old set in your dorm? I was like, Oh, my God, you're so right. So like I ran back upstairs and grabbed my old set. But we had to get a demo driver.

KATIE JAMES: We got a demo driver.

ASHLEY CHOW: And I was also missing the putter.

Q. So you started off the day like that and then you guys had an absolutely incredible round with those sets. You guys definitely made it really, really far in this championship and if there is one moment that was just your absolute favorite from the whole week what would you pick?

ASHLEY CHOW: Our first hole yesterday, I will, that's got to be the best moment for me. I mean, I came up short of the green, chipped it on, bad chip, it was like 40 feet away, Kay tee was sitting for birdie at like I don't know 35 feet and I was like, it was like a similar line, so I was like okay, I guess I'll just show her the line. My putt drops and then Kay tee hits her putt and her putt drops, just an incredible way to start match play.

KATIE JAMES: I would echo that same, absolutely.

Q. What's next for you guys?

KATIE JAMES: Getting some new clubs. (Laughing).

ASHLEY CHOW: Before we can play anymore.

KATIE JAMES: We'll need to have some clubs before anything else is on the horizon we'll need to have some clubs delivered.

Q. What's the schedule looking like beyond getting your clubs?

ASHLEY CHOW: At the moment -- I live in Canada -- so at the moment I was planning on going back and doing some Canadian, like Ontario Women's Am, Canadian Women's Am. But with the quarantine and stuff I'm still trying to figure out how to balance being able to travel between Canada and the U.S. for tournaments because of that two-week quarantine.

Q. Do you have anything on your schedule?

KATIE JAMES: I'm taking a little time off, I mean from competing. And I think my first tournament back is the Porter Cup in the beginning of June.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107025-1-1044 2021-04-27 20:20:00 GMT

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