Q. You had 2s on all the par-3s. Do you want to talk through picking up birdies on all those?
CHARISSA SHANG: Yeah, actually we have this little game with each other that we play off the team where we compete for closest to the pin on every single approach shot, and so that makes us go really aggressive on the par-3s because we try and one-up each other. On top of that, when we're putting, we also have a competition for who will make it, and that really helps. It's more about us competing against each other than us competing against the other group.
Q. Who won today between you two?
YILIN LIU: She did. Okay, last two days I won.
CHARISSA SHANG: So we're about even. I think I'm one day down, but you've got tomorrow.
Q. You guys got off to a big lead. I think you were 5-up at one point. What were your thoughts and how were you able to get up in a lead like that?
YILIN LIU: I was just really focused with putting us into position where I could make pars and try to go for birdies. Yeah, and if one of us makes par, the other one just goes for the birdie.
Q. What happened on 16 there when you guys closed it out?
CHARISSA SHANG: It was a par-3, so we were competing again, and then we both had a birdie putt about 15, 16 feet, and then she made the par and I made the birdie.
Q. You guys heading into the round of 16 tomorrow, how would you rate the state of your game and your confidence level going into tomorrow?
CHARISSA SHANG: I'm pretty excited. I don't have any expectations at all, and I just want to see how much more we can compete against each other.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports