U.S. Women's Amateur Four-Ball

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

Grand Reserve Golf Club

Thienna Huynh

Sara Im

Quick Quotes

Q. It came down to 18. Just overall thoughts on the match and what happened there on 18 that you guys were able to close it out.

THIENNA HUYNH: We were tired. Let's be honest here --

Q. It's a lot of golf.

THIENNA HUYNH: I'm tired. We played 35 holes. But both the people that we played with gave us a really good run. I mean, it was a lot of back and forth.

SARA IM: Yes, there was a lot of back and forth.

THIENNA HUYNH: It was just to see who could stand the longest. Honestly, I think it was just having confidence. Like this morning, I don't know for you, I was like really on edge. I was like shaking. We were 4-up this side, and I was just shaking. I was like, I don't feel good about this. Like, I do not feel good. But I guess that you need a little bit of that to do well.

Q. This last match in the afternoon, I think you birdied 2, 3 and 4 so that really helped you get off to a good start.

SARA IM: These four we picked up.

Q. You won holes 3 and 4 to go 2-up, so at that point -- I guess just walk me through those birdies.

THIENNA HUYNH: To be honest, they happened pretty fast. I mean, No. 2 we birdied that one this morning, and we knew that all the par-5s, we have to match birdies with them. They were going to get birdies, too.

The third one, we had a little bit of luck with that one.

SARA IM: You need some of that, though.

THIENNA HUYNH: Yeah, you really need some of that.

Q. You guys have reached -- you've played in '19, '21, match play every time, quarterfinals. This is the first time you've reached the semifinals. Does it give you that boost of confidence going into tomorrow that you can get it done?

THIENNA HUYNH: Yes. I think so.


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