U.S. Women's Amateur Four-Ball

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

Grand Reserve Golf Club

Grace Jin

Amelia Guo

Quick Quotes

Q. Start with the match today; on the first seven holes your two groups had 10 birdies and an eagle. It seemed like it was a battle right from the start. Talk about those first holes and just the round today.

GRACE JIN: We were just making a lot of putts. Like they were all long putts and they were just all going in. I think we were just feeling really good about our game. Like our shots were obviously straight and they were getting close to the pin.

AMELIA GUO: Yeah, just like getting those birdies was really just a confidence boost for us knowing that we can make those birdies throughout the round.

Even whenever they got eagle and we got birdie we weren't mad because we were making those putts that we need today make. We were losing to eagles obviously when we were making birdies. It's not like we were making mistake?

Q. A lot to be proud of this week, you guys were semifinalists. Just sum up what the experience has been like.

GRACE JIN: Yeah, it's been great. They treat us really well out here and the course is great, and the greens are really nice. Everything is just great.

AMELIA GUO: I think also my game really improved a lot, especially my putting and my bunker shots. I practiced a lot on those this week, so I think I'll be more confident whenever I'm in those situations.

Q. What's next for you guys this summer?

AMELIA GUO: A lot of tournaments.

GRACE JIN: Hopefully more USGA events and some AJGAs.

Q. You're exempt into the next two years of this. Are you expecting to play again next year at the four-ball?

GRACE JIN: Definitely, yes.

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