U.S. Amateur Four-Ball

Monday, May 16, 2022

Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Country Club of Birmingham

Evan Beck

Dan Walters

Quick Quotes

Q. Another round in the books; the way you guys ended, you won five holes in a row, four birdies. You guys sad to not be playing that second 18 today?

EVAN BECK: Yeah, completely ready to play another 18, but I guess we didn't read the packet. Yeah, no, to be honest, I thought we played nicely on the front nine, we just didn't make anything. Had some looks. It's not like it's some crazy strategy, we just kept saying, let's just keep having two looks a hole, let's get two looks as many times as we can. Made one, then made another.

DAN WALTERS: I didn't realize we had that many birdies.

EVAN BECK: You made one, then I made one. It was really nice.


Q. Now that you do have this time, extra rest going into the next two days where theoretically if you make the championship it's two rounds a day, does preparation, recovery, any of that change, just knowing the rounds that lay ahead potentially?

EVAN BECK: Well, more rest is better than less for us, but it's nice to be in the AC eating some lunch, and catch a nap later.

DAN WALTERS: It's not like it's a big deal, but Evan's back has been a little bit tight all week. He didn't really play any of the practice rounds, just walked the course.

EVAN BECK: Somehow I came down with a long night on Thursday night on the toilet in multiple different ways.

Q. Food?

EVAN BECK: I don't know. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if it was like a 24-hour bug, but I didn't get out of bed on Friday. I didn't play the East course.

Again, we're not trying to be overly dramatic, but I actually think that may have been I don't want to say helpful, but we didn't have a tremendous amount of expectations. We were just like, all right, let's just get to Saturday and kind of plot along, and thankfully we're still here and we get to play on Tuesday.

Q. Anything change? How do you guys stay on that momentum where you finished your match today? How do you carry that into tomorrow?

EVAN BECK: Hit it close. Keep the strategy. Having two looks every hole today, I feel like we're both nice putters, so the more looks we can have, just try not to do too much and keep it simple.

DAN WALTERS: I think we were saying coming up in the cart, golf course was fantastic.

Q. They were rolling out there.

DAN WALTERS: It was difficult in places but if you hit good golf shots you could still score.

EVAN BECK: Playing the best today it has the entire --

DAN WALTERS: I think that is a testament of a really championship golf course.

EVAN BECK: You could make birdies but if you hit greens --

DAN WALTERS: They're kind of firmer, faster.

EVAN BECK: You have to hit different shots -- yeah, it's playing really nice.

With that being said, even if you look at our front nine today, we always didn't have both of us in it. First hole, we only had one look, second hole we barely had a look, third hole we only had not really a look, kind of long look kind of thing.

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