U.S. Amateur Four-Ball

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Country Club of Birmingham

Davis Womble

Chad Wilfong

Quick Quotes

Q. Went to the 18th hole for the first time this week.

CHAD WILFONG: Yeah, we know. We feel it.

Q. You hadn't seen them in a while.

CHAD WILFONG: Honestly, yeah. We haven't seen the last four holes or last three holes. So yeah, it was interesting. I would be honest -- if I'm saying I wasn't totally comfortable on some of those tee shots because we haven't seen them in a couple days, and they're not the easiest tee shots on the golf course.

You know, I don't think we did anything poorly. They made two birdies, two really good birdies. So you just kind of claw back. Honestly we weren't in a good position on 17. Davis hit a heck of a bunker shot from the right side of the fairway, and I hit a pretty good wedge with not much room to work with, and we just somehow made 4, and it was good enough to just kind of squeeze them down.

Q. Was that a birdie on 18?

DAVIS WOMBLE: Both of us made birdie, yeah. Both me and our competitors. I had to make that putt.

CHAD WILFONG: They had it in there five feet. He was going to make that putt.

DAVIS WOMBLE: I had to make that putt to win.

Q. He was already in there before your shot from the fairway, too, right?


Q. Who was in there, which kid?

DAVIS WOMBLE: Not Sides, so the other one. Kingsland.

Q. What did you hit in there?

DAVIS WOMBLE: I hit a sand wedge in from 110. It was about 12 feet probably.

CHAD WILFONG: It looked pretty good. It kind of spun back on him a little bit. It was a little closer at one point.

DAVIS WOMBLE: I'll take it either way.

Q. Have you guys ever been this far in a USGA championship?

DAVIS WOMBLE: I have not. I made it to the second round of the U.S. Junior in 2010, and we made match play at the U.S. Four-Ball a few years ago and lost in the first round.

Q. This is a lot of golf for anybody. You guys are 41, and you're in your late 20s. How fatigued are you?

CHAD WILFONG: I feel great. I'll be honest with you, when you're out there and you're in the fight, you don't have time to be tired. I've got all day Thursday to be tired. We're still young enough, especially Davis, we can figure out how to get through 36 more holes.

DAVIS WOMBLE: I was feeling it in the last few holes I would say, I was getting tired, making some tired swings, but muster it up when you need to.

CHAD WILFONG: I'd say no more than everybody else in the field, right. I don't know, he played spectacular golf this morning. I pushed the cart and watched for the most part. I kicked in maybe a few holes, but there were no holes out there for me to cut him. Then this afternoon, his level dropped a little bit, and I did enough to hold us in, and we kind of maintained a lead, and then I gave him an energy bar and he came back and made birdie --

DAVIS WOMBLE: The energy bar on 17 was the key. I was out of food. He gave me a bar.

CHAD WILFONG: Heck of a bunker shot on 18 and he makes 3 on 18, and just the awkwardness of that tee shot knowing his shape, that was a pretty spectacular 3.

Q. You guys didn't make a bogey today, did you?

DAVIS WOMBLE: I don't think we did. We made one bogey yesterday morning. We've only made one bogey, I think.

CHAD WILFONG: The whole week. We haven't given away any holes. Those young men played very, very well. They kind of looked like they didn't have some life in them midway through the round, and toward the end we gave them an opening and they took it on 15.

DAVIS WOMBLE: Zach had a great up-and-down on 15, and then Will made a birdie on 16, great birdie with that hole.

CHAD WILFONG: But that was enough to give them -- they started high fiving, they started doing some twirling of the club, and it was game on, and we had to answer. We finally did. Took a couple holes.

Q. You've got a couple whippersnappers tomorrow, 18 year old future SEC guys. No. 2 seeds and fellow medalists.

DAVIS WOMBLE: That's all right.

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