U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 6)

Felix Norrman

Quick Quotes

Q. We're here with Felix Norrman, the runner-up for the inaugural Adaptive Open Championship. You did come up just short, but it must have been a successful week overall.

FELIX NORRMAN: Yeah, I think this is the best I've played in a few years now. I think it was 2013 I won a tournament, pretty big tournament, and this was the best I have ever played on this great course.

Q. You started off with a poor first round, but you came back with two 69s, played really well. How were you able to bounce back?

FELIX NORRMAN: I don't know what it come from. I just go out and think like vacation, I was here to play like a normal golf round. That's about it, I think.

Q. How fun was it to play with Simon? You two were playing so well together.

FELIX NORRMAN: It was really nice to see. He's a really good player.

Q. What will you remember about this week when you look back on it?

FELIX NORRMAN: I think all around the course and everything with the player hospitality, the media, all the people that are volunteers and everything like that.

Q. How has this experience been compared to other championships that you've played in?

FELIX NORRMAN: I think this is bigger, much bigger, because here you have all people from all around the world. Yeah, it's the biggest, I think.

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