U.S. Adaptive Open

Monday, July 8, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Ryanne Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Ryanne, you shot a 3-over today. Can you talk us through your round?

RYANNE JACKSON: I feel like overall I'm not disappointed in how I played. I feel like didn't make any birdies out there, so I think there were definitely some opportunities.

Overall got up and down a good amount of times. Kept the ball out of trouble most holes. Definitely not disappointed with how I played.

Q. Are you finding that this course suits your game any better or worse than Pinehurst last year?

RYANNE JACKSON: I think there is definitely a lot more nerves just because there is more trouble off the tee here. There is a lot more spots that you don't want to put out ball.

I feel like Pinehurst maybe didn't have as much of that. But overall, like I said, played well. Usually hitting the ball off the tee is one of my strengths in my game, so today I was excited.

Q. Talking about nerves, you came in as the defending women's overall champion. Have you put that in the review mirror or is that something you carried into today or felt any added pressure?

RYANNE JACKSON: I think I have a lot more confidence than I used to have going into tournaments.

But I also feel that the pressure to win a tournament now that I've felt it is nothing compared to the pressure to not come in last place in a tournament in college.

So, you know, like here, win or lose, I'm going to another tournament; whereas in college, you are last on your team, you're sitting at home when your teammates are playing.


Q. Now, there is a lot of talented women that are currently sitting at the top the leaderboard, close in scores. It's early in the week, but what do you feel that you need do to kind of catch the leaders and set yourself apart for success?

RYANNE JACKSON: Definitely just making some putts. You know, you're not going to win if you're not making any birdies out here. That's something that definitely needs to improve moving forward.

Q. Finally, I just overheard you were selected tore the G4D team competition later this summer, correct?

RYANNE JACKSON: Yeah, at the end of August.

Q. How does it feel to be selected to represent Team USA, one female and one male, in this competition?

RYANNE JACKSON: Yeah, it's awesome knowing that the past year I've played well enough to kind of sit at the top of the women's rankings for the United States and to have the opportunity to go overseas and play in such a big tournament.

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146087-1-1041 2024-07-08 19:13:00 GMT

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