U.S. Adaptive Open

Monday, July 8, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Kirk Holmberg

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Kirk Holmberg. Talk us through your first round out there today.

KIRK HOLMBERG: I didn't play very well. It was not very good. I don't know. I was a little nervous and struggled. Golf course is in it great shape and I just struggled today.

Q. I know it's competition out there and you didn't play up to your standard. How fun it was out there to be out there with some fellow competitors?

KIRK HOLMBERG: It was great. Look forward to this for a long time. It was a lot of fun out there.

Q. Now, you are the only player from Kansas in the field. How important is that to you to go out there and represent for the state of Kansas?

KIRK HOLMBERG: Well, I wish I would've represented a little better, but it was really neat to have it here this close, right here in my backyard. It was pretty cool.

Q. Did you have any family or friends out there following you?

KIRK HOLMBERG: My caddie with my son and my wife followed me, and my next door neighbor followed me and a buddy of that I play with sometimes, he was here for the front nine.

Q. Are you staying at home this week and driving back and forth?

KIRK HOLMBERG: Yes, yes, staying at home. So get to sleep in my own bed which is good.

Q. Is this a course you get to play often when you're playing? Where do you normally play at going out for a fun round?

KIRK HOLMBERG: I'm a member at Crazy Horse in Hutchinson, so I play there. But I played here probably six or seven times this year already. Played a couple tournaments, so...

Q. Have people been asking you questions about the golf course knowing you're the only local in the field?

KIRK HOLMBERG: Yeah, there were some. Some were, especially in the practice round.

Q. Is this your first Adaptive Open?

KIRK HOLMBERG: It is. It is.

Q. How unique is it to be able to play in one in your home state?

KIRK HOLMBERG: Really, I mean, the whole experience has been amazing. It's such a big time event. I mean, it's like the U.S. Open for adaptive players, so just the media tents and everything, all the people, it's been a really good experience.

Q. When did you kind of plan to want to play in this event, qualify? When did you find out it was going to be here at sand creek? Take me through that.

KIRK HOLMBERG: Well, I tried to get in last year and it was just on handicaps and I was the fourth alternate and didn't get in at Pinehurst.

So I saw it was going to be at Sand Creek, which was really interesting, I mean, just being so close to home, and so I ended up going to Dallas to qualify and play 30 minutes from home, so...

Q. Did you ever think you would have an opportunity play in a championship this big this close to home?

KIRK HOLMBERG: No, not at all. It's been really neat.

Q. I know there is more golf left to be played, but what was been your favorite memory of the week so far?

KIRK HOLMBERG: Just meeting the other players and seeing their disabilities and how well they adapt with those and how well they play. There are some great players here, so...

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146092-1-1041 2024-07-08 20:09:00 GMT

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