U.S. Adaptive Open

Monday, July 8, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Bailey Bish

Quick Quotes

Q. ...championship record out there for a woman. Can you talk us through your round?

BAILEY BISH: I had a great round today. I started off a little rough with a bogey and then a par and another bogey, but I pulled it together and was able to finish strong throughout the rest of the round.

Q. And I heard you say to somebody else that was also a personal best; is that true?

BAILEY BISH: Yeah, my previous personal best was a 71 and today I beat that.

Q. What's it like to prepare all week, practice rounds, and then jump into the competition round and go out and shoot a score like that?

BAILEY BISH: It's incredible. I worked really hard to get to that point and I've been working on my game for few years now. These last few months I've been working really hard, getting here early and working with my coach and caddie to really get down the shots that I'm going to need for this course helped a lot.

Q. I know it's a competition out there, but how much fun are you having out there with all your friends and fellow competitors?

BAILEY BISH: I'm having a great time out there. We're all friends and it's a great camaraderie among us.

Q. We first met you last year at Pinehurst No. 6. Can you talk about how this courses differs from Pinehurst and how you feel it maybe sets up for your game?

BAILEY BISH: Yeah, so this course is flatter, which definitely sets up well for me. Really my game has improved so much over the last year. I think that is what has allowed me to perform so well this year.

Q. I remember you saying you only recently, maybe a year and a half, two years ago, become able to play more than nine holes. How have you been building up your body and mental game for competitions like this?

BAILEY BISH: Yeah, I remember two years ago watching this tournament on TV because I was unable to play because I couldn't play 54 holes at the time.

To do all this hard work and see that it's really paid off, it's incredible.

Q. How much does it take out of you to play 54 holes compared to last year? Still about the same or is that progressing?

BAILEY BISH: It's gotten a lot better. Last year was struggling to finish. I was barely hanging on the last few holes of each round. This year I've been able to really finish a lot stronger. Between physical therapy and other treatments that I've been receiving, I've improved a lot physically.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146095-1-1041 2024-07-08 20:33:00 GMT

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