U.S. Adaptive Open

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Ryanne Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Ryanne, what do you think is making the course a bit more challenging today?

RYANNE JACKSON: I think -- I mean, for me personally, off the tee I feel like it course is incredibly challenging. The wind definitely picked up probably midway through my first nine holes.

So I mean, a couple of the greens are very elevated and so adding the wind factor into it makes it a lot more difficult.

Q. You're currently in position to make the cut, the first cut in the U.S. Adaptive Open since the championship was established three years ago. What does that mean to you personally to make the cut and then overall to see the championship evolve in such a way?

RYANNE JACKSON: I think it's a really exciting addition to this championship. I feel like adding a cut, it makes it closer to other USGA championships.

So I think it's cool kind of seeing the Adaptive Championship becoming more like the other USGA events that are being played.

Q. Now, how will you go home, reset, and refocus for tomorrow's final round?

RYANNE JACKSON: Honestly, very similarly to what I did last night: Just going home, relaxing, today was definitely a grind for me. To shoot 77 after how it felt to be out there I'm not disappointed walking away again.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146118-1-1041 2024-07-09 19:56:00 GMT

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