U.S. Adaptive Open

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Bailey Bish

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Bailey Bish. You are our leader after two rounds. Can you talk about your round today and maybe in comparison to yesterday?

BAILEY BISH: Yeah, yesterday I had a great round; everything just seemed to be working well.

Today on the course everything was a little bit off. I've been working with my optometrist to get my eyes really corrected and everything was just a little off today.

I was missing things a little left, a little right. Ended up putting my special lenses on in the middle of the round which helped readjust myself and I was able to really come back and improve my putting.

Q. Knowing you're in the lead heading into tomorrow, are you more excited or stressed?

BAILEY BISH: I'm excited. It's just one shot at a time. I'm not thinking about that right now. I'm just going to take it hole by hole tomorrow.

Q. And you have played in this event before. Do you think som of that experience in a third round will help you tomorrow?

BAILEY BISH: Absolutely. I think just tournament play in general will be very useful for me tomorrow when I'm going into the final round.

Q. The special lenses, what do they help with? What was the big change after you put them in?

BAILEY BISH: Yeah, so they're called Syntonic lenses and I actually put them on not while I am playing but either before rounds, in the middle of it. They help -- it's hard to describe. My optometrist does it really well.

It helps rebalance the brain and make it so what I'm actually seeing is what my brain is processing.

Q. Your drive on 18, almost hit it pin high. Do you feel as if your tee shots on this course, you feel like you have an advantage off the tee compared to some of your other competitors?

BAILEY BISH: Not really. Some of the holes are a little reachable, but many others are very long for me. Hole 10 is a beast. That's really a par-6 for me. I can't reach it in three.

Q. I know you talked about not even being able to finish nine holes before, let alone a 54-hole tournament. Obviously played well and won some tournaments over the last year? You still kind of feel the nerves when you get into a final round in a situation like this, or are you a lot more settled than you may have been a couple years ago?

BAILEY BISH: I don't really feel nerves. I feel excitement, and just taking it one shot at a time and playing from point A allows me to deal with whatever happens and not get too emotionally invested in the outcome.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146120-1-1041 2024-07-09 20:43:00 GMT

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