U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Amanda Cunha

Quick Quotes

Q. Amanda, you're once again the visual impairment category winner. What does that mean to you?

AMANDA CUNHA: I'm really just grateful that I'm able to come out here each year and that I'm able to like be this person for those who want to maybe start thinking about playing golf if their visually impaired and be like that light to show them that it's possible.

Q. What are some of your takeaways from this week?

AMANDA CUNHA: A lot of ups and downs. I started out not too bad, but the second day was really rough. Wasn't really my game.

So I kind of just had to pick myself back up yesterday and kind of rebuild my game.

Today I went in with no expectations of how I would shoot because I was just kind of being like, you know what? I made the cut, so I'm just going to play however I want to.

Q. So you shot a 71 today. Tell me how significant that score is to you.

AMANDA CUNHA: It's crazy. I've never shot this low in an official round, so being able to shoot 71, 1-under par, is just crazy to me. I can't even like explain it.

Coming into the 18th hole, I actually had no idea what I was shooting because my dad didn't want to tell me the entire back nine what I was at. So I didn't really think about it, yeah.

Q. And now, how do you hope to inspire other blind or visually impaired golfers to get into the game?

AMANDA CUNHA: Yeah, like I really enjoy being out here, so just showing them that it's possible and that I lost my vision in high school and that you're able to build yourself a new life no matter what chapter you're in when you're blind.

So I feel like that's really the message, is like to start slow and just build up with persistence and perseverance.

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146145-1-1041 2024-07-10 16:51:00 GMT

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