U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Bailey Bish

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We are here with Bailey Bish, 2024 U.S. Adaptive Open women's overall champion. How does that sound?

BAILEY BISH: Sounds amazing. If you told me three years ago that I would be the U.S. Adaptive Open champion I would never have believed it.

Q. How were you able to get it done out there today? You had a big number in one of your first few holes and really bounced back with an eagle. How cool is it to know you had that bounceback ability?

BAILEY BISH: Yeah, I had a very rough first few holes and ended up eagling the hole, which is my first eagle ever, so that was very exciting. That just built momentum and I was able to keep playing well throughout the rest of the round. It was a struggle out there, but we managed to pull through and put up an okay score today.

Q. Yeah, you got it done, and your name is now going to be in the USGA Hall of Champions like Annika Sorenstam and Tiger Woods. How cool is that? What does that mean?

BAILEY BISH: That's absolutely incredible. I don't have words to describe how amazing it is that adaptive golfers are now being recognized in the same way Annika Sorenstam and other very accomplished golfers are.

Q. Maybe few months down the road when you look back at this week, what will you remember most?

BAILEY BISH: I'll remember having my caddie here with me and the friendships I have with the other players and the quality of the course, just how well the USGA did running this event.

Q. You spoke about your caddie. Is this your mom or...

BAILEY BISH: This is my coach and caddie, Susie Meyers, yes.

Q. You have to obviously have a great caddie relationship. How much has your relationship with her grown and just allowed to you excel like you did this week?

BAILEY BISH: My relationship with Susie is incredible. We work very well together as a team. She tells me what to do and I'm able to execute it well; works very well.

Q. When did you allow the thought to creep into your mind with how well you played on the back nine that you were going to win this thing?

BAILEY BISH: Before I came to this event I was hoping that I would have a shot to win this thing. And then during the tournament I wasn't thinking about it at all. Just thinking about one shot at a time and seeing where I ended up at the end of the tournament.

Q. That scene on the 18th green, I know Larry was there, few of the other competitors. What was that like just seeing everybody there celebrating you as you finished off the week?

BAILEY BISH: Yeah, we have an amazing camaraderie in the adaptive golf community. Having their support with the win like this is absolutely incredible. They saw me when I wasn't able to play nine holes back to back.

I think showing my growth is really inspiring to many people in the community.

Q. What did you learn about yourself this week?

BAILEY BISH: I learned that it's hard to play golf, and even if there is challenges, you can push back and keep going. The mistakes will get overwritten by other accomplishments.

THE MODERATOR: Thanks so much, Bailey. Congratulations and soak it in.

BAILEY BISH: Thank you.


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