U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Kim Moore

Quick Quotes

Q. Kim, what are some of your takeaways from the week?

KIM MOORE: I mean, again, the USGA did a great job. This event is always just a must-come-to event. You know, they treat us like any other professionals out there, any you USGA event, and so it's just awesome to come and see.

Then just the growth of this event has been tremendous. Hopefully just continues to grow year after year. I'm just looking forward to seeing what it's going to be in about five, six years.

Takeaway, I wish I would you have played just a little bit better. With some of the things I've been going through this summer, I think I played pretty well and stuck in there and gave it my all.

But, yeah, I mean, I wish I would've obviously played just a little bit better. I'm excited to come home with a few more medals. That's awesome. Being the lower limb impairment category winner I have winner is always an honor, so I am super excited about that.

Q. What does that mean to you? You've medalled here. Won the inaugural; medalled last year. What does that win mean to you?

KIM MOORE: It's special. It's always special. Being a USGA champion in anything is always a treat. Obviously I would've wished to come home with a bigger trophy, but that's just can the competitiveness in me, the competitor that I am.

It's always special to just have that USGA medal that you can take home and have for the rest of your life.

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