U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Kiefer Jones

Quick Quotes

Q. Kiefer, what are some of your takeaways from this week?

KIEFER JONES: I really enjoyed the week. I like this course. It suits my game a lot better than Pinehurst 6 did, so I'm able to hit a lot of more positional tee shots instead of just hitting drivers and 3-woods. I'm hitting driving irons.

So just fit my game really well.

And the course was in such great shape. I felt like I was -- when I was putting well the ball was rolling where we thought it was going to roll. There was no bumps and hops or anything like that, so it was just -- just felt really smooth.

And really happy with two of the three days, yeah.

Q. You're in position to be the visual impairment category winner. What does that mean to you?

KIEFER JONES: I think it means a little bit more this year because it'll be the third year in a row. Kind of just it's -- you know, it's like the first couple years, okay, maybe that course wasn't -- didn't suit everyone else either.

Coming to a new course and doing it again kind of puts a little stamp on it for me. Yeah, no, it's great. I was happy to see some of the other guys, like they had decent days, maybe not the first day or the second day, but like they were competitive with each other. Yeah, it was good.

Q. You're one of the Canadians in the field and the field has grown in terms of international presence. What does that mean to you to represent your country and see how diverse this championship has become?

KIEFER JONES: Yeah, I enjoy it. I don't know how many Canadians there are in the field, but I know a few of them now from playing in the other Canadian All-Abilities Championships. They see me and come up and we chat a little bit. I got to play with Kurtis Barkley in the first practice round, so I was picking his brain a little bit because he's a really good player.

Yeah it's cool. I'm usually the -- I think I'm the only Canadian visually impaired player, so trying to represent my country by winning the championship in my division at least. Hopefully one of these years I can finish a little bit higher and get my goal of top 10.

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