U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Issa Nlareb

Quick Quotes

Q. Issa, this was your debut at the U.S. Adaptive Open. What are your takeaways for the week?

ISSA NLAREB: A lot of experience. It's not only my first round in this USGA Open, but it's also my first time in America. It's a big experience. I have two hard day where my putt kind of playing well. Even today what happen is amazing because I have a hometown boy giving advice for the putting and we can sink like five birdie together normally.

Today I must break the course because I hit 17 green in regulation so my putt is not well, but I'm happy to be here. It's my first time. I dream 12 years ago to come in America. I live in Cameroon before. After my sickness, my amputation, I can't imagine I will be here. It's a happiness time for me.

Q. Did playing with Mike Browne help you at all today?

ISSA NLAREB: Yes, Mike Browne is a good player. We already play in Ireland. He's a good guy. And today I think (indiscernible) me up, because the first seven hole he had seven putt. Get in like 70 feet, it went in; 60 feet, it went in. So it was amazing. He's a good guy.

I'm enjoy to play with him and I'm enjoy to play with everyone, to appreciate and to learn how to play this game. Because every day you need to improve your game.

Q. Now, in your debut you will win the multiple limb amputee impairment category. What does that mean to you to have won that category?

ISSA NLAREB: That's mean a lot for me. It's what I'm waiting for. Even like in golf we are never be satisfied, but it's what we look for and I think I have again a lot of work. Today will give me a lot of power to continue.

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