U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Annie Hayes

Quick Quotes

Q. Annie, great playing this week. What are some of your overall takeaways from the third U.S. Adaptive Open?

ANNIE HAYES: I just thought it was great that we got a lot of new players in with the qualifiers. Seems like it was a much younger field. They did a great job with the course and it was in great shape.

I like the course a lot better for my game, so that was great for me. Pinehurst was pretty hard for me. Shooting 7-wood in from 100 yards, can't really land it on those greens.

Here I didn't really have that issue, so I scored quite a bit better.

Q. Yeah, and you're seated player impairment category for the female side. What does that honor mean to you?

ANNIE HAYES: It's wonderful. You know, I think it's great, but I wish I had some competition. Golf is such a great sport for just people in wheelchairs, so you can golf independently, with able-bodied people, you can get pretty respectable at it.

So I encourage any women out there to pick it up and play and give me some competition next time. So that would be wonderful.

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146157-1-1041 2024-07-10 18:15:00 GMT

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