U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Cathy Walch

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk me through what were some of your takeaways from the week, Cathy?

CATHY WALCH: It was a great course. A lot of great help and everyone was so wonderful and friendly. I thought the course was in good shape and a little bit friendlier to us than Pinehurst I think. Just a little bit easier.

So it was an exciting week.

Q. Now, you won your impairment category. What does that mean to you?

CATHY WALCH: Regaining my title from the first year, the inaugural year, so thrilled to be here. I really wasn't planning to be here because I didn't make the original first cut, so I'm thrilled to be here and I am thrilled that I won the division.

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