The 150th Open

Mixed Zone

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Marcus Armitage

Q. How do you reflect on the whole round?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: The 1st tee, the weekend, got something going and couldn't follow it up. Couldn't finish it off.

Just a little bit off at the moment. It's not bad golf. But it's not great golf. And that's just the way the game is at the moment and it is what it is.

Q. Hopefully something will click for that final round?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: It will be nice to go out with a 60-something. So we'll see. We'll see what the weather brings, and it's been a great experience up to now. But I really want to fresh up some and have a good final round.

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122793-1-1045 2022-07-16 14:28:00 GMT

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