The 150th Open

Mixed Zone

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Adrian Meronk

Q. From the moment you qualified to come here, in the Dutch Open, I think, to be here what's going on, was this week what you expected or anything different?

ADRIAN MERONK: You mean the whole week?

Q. Yes.

ADRIAN MERONK: To be honest, I was quite excited to come here obviously. Having a good year, just coming off my first victory. So just trying to enjoy the week as much as possible.

To be honest, I loved everything about this week, the place, the tournament. It was just a phenomenal experience for me, and I'm glad I played quite solid after the rough start. So yeah.

Q. Did it match your expectations, or were you surprised by some things here?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I was expecting it to be huge, a lot of people, big crowds, big noise. Yeah, it's probably what I was expecting, yeah.

Q. So as the first Polish in an Open, what kind of feedback did you get from Poland?

ADRIAN MERONK: Everyone back home is quite excited. A lot of supporters on the course this week as well, which is also nice. It's part of my job to grow the game back home. So I think the more I play in these events, the more it will grow and more people will watch. Yeah, that's the goal.

Q. How do you envision growing the game in Poland and what things you can do in the future?

ADRIAN MERONK: I hope the young kids can see me on TV playing good, and that will inspire them to start into the game, practise. I think that's the idea, and that's the way I started as well. So I hope it's going to happen.

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122853-1-1182 2022-07-17 13:29:00 GMT

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