Q. Talk about the ups and downs of the last few years, how do you began to turn the form around?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, I don't know. If I knew it would be an easy problem to solve.
But, yeah, that's golf. It's the margins are small. There is a lot of different factors that you need to factor in.
So it's complicated to have a very consistent career. I think everyone goes through ups and downs, and you just do your best to navigate both the ups and the downs.
Q. And Ryder Cup, give me a sense if you can of the excitement from the Italian people.
FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yeah, I haven't been back that much so I don't know directly. I'm sure everyone is very excited. Yeah, I mean, Rome should be a great setting. Hopefully we should get a nice week of weather and the teams are shaping up to be both very strong, very competitive.
So hopefully be a huge success, yeah.
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