The 151st Open

Mixed Zone

Friday, 21 July 2023

Oliver Wilson

Q. Thoughts on the round today?

OLIVER WILSON: That was a battle. Didn't quite have it today with the long game so it was really hard.

That being said, I did -- hit a lot of decent shots. Just made a just ridiculous error on the par-5, 5 from a decent position.

That put me in a stressful position for the rest of the day. Just couldn't afford to go backwards anymore. I dug in there, hung in there quite well. It's playing tough out there, strong wind.

Same direction as yesterday but stronger, and it's just tough. So I'm really pleased in the end after making double there. Apart from that, everything else was pretty good. Just a battle.

Q. Is that where your experience gets you out of trouble?

OLIVER WILSON: Yeah, I don't know if it's experience. It's just, yeah, I want to be around for the weekend. I want to try and contend, but give it everything you got, everything you practice for in those situations. It's easy to get carried away, and concentration and, yeah, maybe it's a bit of experience or whatever it is.

I don't know. It's just you've got to take on the shots. There is no bailing out really. You got to make sure you commit 100% to your shots, what you're trying to do, and get your strategy right, avoid the bunkers, engage the flight into it.

You got to hit a lot different shots out there today because the wind was so extreme. You got to control your ball flight incredibly well.

Q. On the weekend, obviously be here for the weekend. Thoughts on that?

OLIVER WILSON: Yeah, I'm delighted with that. I'm sure -- I don't think I'm going to be moving backwards from where I am now. Obviously still a lot of play to carry on out there.

Yeah, looking forward to the weekend. Going to just find my feels from the last few days and hopefully feel a bit more comfortable over the ball tomorrow.

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