The 151st Open

Mixed Zone

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Oliver Wilson

OLIVER WILSON: A little bit annoying. Really still annoyed at that bogey on 17. Just kind of talked ourselves into too much wind and the wind completely dropped and flew the green.

Apart from that, it was good. I played pretty solid. I got into my round. I didn't get off to the best of starts. A couple of fliers which really cost me shots. I guess as I go back through it in my head now, actually I played pretty solid. Just a couple of mistakes. Made bogeys after them and then on 17, so the rest of it was pretty good. Played nice, got it going. Started to feel pretty good in the middle of the round.

Yeah, so finishing level -- it was nice to birdie the last to finish level, but I felt like I've let two or three slip away, which is a bit of a shame. I don't know where that is. I think there's some decent scores out there today. Yeah, a little bit disappointing today.

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135260-2-1580 2023-07-22 15:50:00 GMT

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