The 151st Open

Mixed Zone

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Emiliano Grillo

Q. Did you come into today with a number in mind that you really wanted to shoot?

EMILIANO GRILLO: I would say under par in any major, you take it every day. That was kind of the goal for every day out here.

I mean, today I just didn't know what to expect. I didn't think it was going to rain all day. That was obviously crazy.

So, yeah, playing with Rory was tough, so I'll take 3-under par any day in any conditions.

Q. Why is it difficult playing with Rory?

EMILIANO GRILLO: It was fun. I mean, obviously when you are there on the final round you're just trying to do your thing of everybody is saying Rory, Rory. Like I'm going to go to bed today and, you know, instead of counting sheep I'll be saying Rory.

It was fun. I was just saying I wish I had one stroke better than him just to say I beat him in the Open. Going to have to wait for that.

Q. Do you like this tournament a lot and do you like it more than others? Is this a special place for you?

EMILIANO GRILLO: Let's say it's number two. Not going to name any names, but this is definitely one of my favourites. I look forward to playing the open or links golf courses.

I look forward to play it every year, so hopefully somebody will help me and we'll (indiscernible) a spot into Troon next year. I'm just hoping.

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