MARTIN SLUMBERS: Ladies and gentlemen, the leading amateur and winner of the Silver Medal, Christo Lamprecht.
And with a score of 271, the gold medal and the Champion Golfer of the Year is Brian Harman.
BRIAN HARMAN: I've got to thank my wife, my family back home. I sure miss them. I can't wait to get back to them tomorrow. First I'm going to have me a couple pints out of this here trophy, I believe.
This golf course was a real test. It was set up so great, even with the weather.
To all the superintendent and everyone that helped put it together, thank you so much. The greens were perfect. The golf course was excellent. Thank you.
Lastly, I want to thank the R&A for putting together such an incredible championship. I couldn't be happier to be its champion.
To all the fans, to all the nice words and all the people back home who were rooting me on, I appreciate it so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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