The 152nd Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Thorbjorn Olesen

Q. How would you assess your round?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, I felt the first six holes played a bit tougher than they've done in practice. Obviously with the wind changing and playing into made it a bit trickier. But obviously when you make the turn, you get a few of the holes that's a lot easier than they have been the last few days.

I started off bad and finished bad, but middle through the round was pretty good.

Q. Were you satisfied?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, I let a few shots go the last seven, eight holes. I thought that all in all with the play I had, it's probably a fair score.

Q. Coming into this week, how would you assess where your game is?

THORBJORN OLESEN: I thought in periods last week, there was some really good stuff. Before that, I was struggling a little bit. But I thought last week I found a little bit of something and played a bit better.

Q. This is a good time of year to find it.

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, I would have hoped to have brought a little bit better play here in the first round, but we're off and running, and hopefully I can play a little bit better every day.

Q. Obviously it's the Olympics coming up in a couple weeks. How nice will it be for you to go to Le Golf National again with your country's colours?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, it's been a few years since we played that first Olympics, but it was definitely one of my goals to get in that team. It'll be exciting, and obviously being at Paris at National where I have really good memories, played it a lot of times, so I know it pretty well, which always helps.

Q. What sort of goal was that for you at the start of the year?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, it was a big goal. Olympics for me has always been really big, even before golf. Always something I watched. Being able to be there and be competing at the Olympics is huge for me. I'm really excited.

Q. Now that it's the third time back for golf, (indiscernible)?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, I think since it came on, it's just grown. I think it's getting bigger and bigger. It's definitely something players are talking about. I think it can only go one way. It's only every fourth year, so that makes it pretty big, and being able to play for your country is always something special.

Q. What sort of venue will Le Golf National be?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Obviously personally I think it's one of the best courses here in Europe. It has a lot of drama. I think it's a perfect setup for an Olympic.

There's a tough stretch coming in, and I think it will be exciting.

Q. How tough will the closing holes be with the medals on the line?

THORBJORN OLESEN: Yeah, you've got to hit some proper shots coming in, so it'll be exciting.

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146446-1-1002 2024-07-18 12:45:00 GMT

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