The 152nd Open

Mixed Zone

Friday, 19 July 2024

Matt Fitzpatrick

Q. How would you sum up the round?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Very poor. Yeah, just not very good. A lot of poor shots and not a good day.

Q. How difficult is it to stay tough when it isn't at your way but you've got to still keep driving out there?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, obviously the front nine is into off the right, so it's difficult. That's where you've got to stick in and try and make a score on the front, and then out on the back nine there are some opportunities to get close to those flags, particularly the wind playing a bit shorter than it has been done in the practice round. You've just got to stick in there.

Q. How frustrating is it after that solid first round?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, frustrating. That's an understatement.

Q. When the wind is off the left on the back nine, what's that like to try to figure out how to get your ball where you want it to go?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, obviously you're used to it going one way at the hole for four hours, from the range to the front nine, and then to make the switch pretty instantly, yeah, it's bizarre. It's tough. There's no two ways about it.

Q. When did it kind of make the switch?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Obviously you play 8, and then -- from 11 onwards really.

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