Q. What a day it was to watch. I don't know what it was like for you, your first experience at the pointy end of a major.
THRISTON LAWRENCE: Yeah, I think I did pretty well out there. I didn't actually put myself under the pressure that some people are supposed to. I just looked at it as a normal Sunday of a normal golf tournament. Yes, it is The Open, it is a bigger stage. But being in that moment, I felt so calm. It felt like a normal Sunday, me trying to win a golf tournament, trying to be creative, and I managed to accomplish that. So very proud of myself.
Q. Even at the turn when you had that one or two-shot lead and you looked invincible, 32 on the front, you didn't at any moment go, I'm winning a major?
THRISTON LAWRENCE: It's like any other tournament. Once you're in the lead you always think about winning. But teeing up today, that was my mindset, going out there to try and win. So being in the lead or being one or two shots back doesn't change the mindset or game plan or anything. Like I said, it's a normal Sunday, and yeah, it's The Open Championship, my first final group in a major, first top 10 in a major, but still, a tournament, just a bigger tournament, more iconic tournament.
Q. In the cold light of day tomorrow when you look back, you're going to be incredibly proud I'd imagine?
THRISTON LAWRENCE: No question. Like I said, the mindset was to try and stay as composed as possible, try and stay calm, try and stick to the game plan. Very proud of my patience this week, very proud I did it in front of all those people on a stage that I've never played in front of, so just very proud of myself.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports