Q. 4 & 3 win. Annabell, sum up that win out there.
ANNABELL FULLER: It was pretty good. We went off to a quick start birdieing the 1st and we played pretty solid the front nine, we didn't drop a shot. I think maybe like a couple under par on the front, so that obviously helps. In foursomes like, I mean, I think kind of gives you the upper hand most of the time when you're under par. That just gave us confidence going into the back nine. So it was quite nice.
Q. Charlotte, what does it mean to get the first point on the board for GB&I?
CHARLOTTE HEATH: It's really exciting. Especially to do it with Annabell, it's really nice.
Q. Foursomes format, how did you find that? Is that something you get to play regular?
ANNABELL FULLER: I mean, we played two tournaments this summer already foursomes and we were foursomes partners and it's just really worked and I personally really like it.
CHARLOTTE HEATH: Yeah, I really enjoy it now more than I used to.
ANNABELL FULLER: Me too. We work really well as a team, so it's been fun.
Q. Do you think the English partnership brought the best of each of you out of there today?
CHARLOTTE HEATH: 100 percent.
Q. How did you find the course? Quite comfortable on the course, you seemed to show it out there.
ANNABELL FULLER: I wouldn't say comfortable.
CHARLOTTE HEATH: We played it a lot of times, but I don't think it gets much easier than what we found it.
ANNABELL FULLER: No, it really doesn't get easier. But the weather changed it, one day it played a certain way, the next day it's completely different. So it's kind of a new course every time you play it.
Q. How is the mindset going into the afternoon? How do you go preparing for that?
ANNABELL FULLER: I think obviously now you're kind of playing a bit more your own game and you can be more aggressive in certain aspects, but I think we're rearing to go again and get more points on the board.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports