Q. Big point at the end. How important was that for kind of the team morale?
SARAH INGRAM: It was a huge point. Actually we talked about it last night that Martha Lang's letter to us discussed how important each half point and point is. So it was really helpful to be able to go into tomorrow with a point and a half. And I think one of the girls -- well I know Emilia, I think, said to Gina, It's four and a half to one and a half. And Gina said, Oh, that's just a morning sweep.
Q. Love that. What did you see out there that maybe you would tell them you're thinking about tonight or you would want them to think about tonight?
SARAH INGRAM: I just want them to really know that they all played very well today. Actually, I'm not really sure how the second match went, I'm pretty sure they were around par or under par, but I know that the first match was 5-under par and the third match was 3-under par. So they played really well, the other team just played a little bit better today. But we have a long way to go, a lot of points out there to be had and I know that they're going to come back fighting really strong.
Q. Anything you saw out there today that you would want them to work on?
SARAH INGRAM: No, I mean, I think -- well, number one, I want them to go to sleep and get some sleep. Because we are behind the 8-ball a little bit with five of our players only having been here for two days and only having seen the course for one round. So I think every time we see the course we're going to get better and better.
Q. This team though their morale seems great, they appreciate each other, support each other, how impressive is that with this group?
SARAH INGRAM: Well it's totally impressive, it makes it so easy for me as a captain. They love each other, I don't have to, I mean, they're all really gung ho and it's great for me to have that energy. Like I said, they're supportive of each other, they're so good to all the people watching, the children out here, I think they have gotten a pretty good fan base.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports