Q. Allisen, Rose, you've got the point that's leveled up the Curtis Cup 6-all going into tomorrow. Rose, how did you feel it went out there today?
ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, it went great. I mean, we definitely played a lot better than yesterday afternoon and we had the momentum going starting after six holes or five holes, so everything just went super well for us and we made some really clutch putts coming in. Allisen really made an amazing putt to end the match and it was great.
Q. Rose said you played better than yesterday, but it seems to be quite the partnership you've got going. That's two from two. What did you think worked so well?
ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think today we really ham and egged it really well. And then a lot of birdies we kind of had par secured or like it looked like it was going to be a par for the other person, you know, like up close to three, four feet. I think it really gave us the confidence to just give a good run at it and, yeah, we made a lot more than we did yesterday, which definitely helped a lot.
Q. Rose, the Curtis Cup locked at 6-all what's the mindset going into tomorrow now?
ROSE ZHANG: Mindset is just playing shot after shot. Everyone on our team is definitely going to make a really good fight, and the other team is too, so we're just going to stay in the moment, stay in our mindset and really grind.
Q. The putt to win it on 16 there as well. What did you make of that?
ALLISEN CORPUZ: It was awesome. I think -- I don't know if I've ever made a putt that clutch before, so as soon as I made it like my heart just went crazy. But it was great to get the win with Rose today.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports