Curtis Cup

Quick Quotes

Friday, 27 August 2021

Sarah Ingram

Q. A bit of a tough day yesterday, but talk about how the morale was last night with the team.

SARAH INGRAM: It was really great. They were definitely inspired and fired up to play better the next day and really didn't have to do much pep talking. We did a fun little cheer I think at the end of the night and that got everybody laughing and loose. And I just knew that -- I know that they are all real fighters and that they would follow-up a tough day with a really good day.

Q. What did you see golf-wise today that impressed you the most?

SARAH INGRAM: I saw a ton of birdies. I just said on my way back here to the clubhouse, I wonder how many birdies were made today. I saw some creativity, different shot making and I just saw a lot of confidence and just everybody having a good time.

Q. Rose is the No. 1 golfer in the world and we're seeing that this week. She's yet to drop a point. What stands out about her specifically?

SARAH INGRAM: I mean, she's just an ultimate player. She's so mature in her, the way she carries herself, the way she hits her shots, just watching her in the practice rounds, she's just a different player, for sure. She just hits clutch shots. I mean, the last hole she takes the flag out for her sand shot. It was -- I had to take a picture of that because I thought it was pretty cool. (Laughing).

Q. Final day of the Curtis Cup, this whole week has been a long time coming, kind of put into words what this week has meant to you.

SARAH INGRAM: Oh, it's been really fun. It's meant -- I mean, obviously a huge honor to be named captain. I've been worried about it, I guess, and all that, and just having an extra year, having an extra year to worry, also an extra year to prepare and get to know the girls better. And, I mean, to know, to get to know these girls and the group that they are, they're just amazing, they have been amazing in every way and really no matter how they played on the course they're, how they have been to the kids around here, all the fans watching, the staff, everyone, I mean, they're just model citizens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111877-1-1044 2021-08-27 17:23:00 GMT

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