Q. Brooke, we'll start with you. You delivered the first point this morning for Team USA. How did you feel your match went?
BROOKE MATTHEWS: It was good. I was playing pretty solid all day. It was pretty close. I was going between 1-up and 1-down, then I kind of found a rhythm with my driver, was able to get some wedges in my hands, and made some putts when it counts. So, yeah, I was happy.
Q. Did you feel controlled all the way around?
BROOKE MATTHEWS: Yeah, I did. Once I get comfortable off the tee, I feel like that's when I get in position to really attack, and then I started seeing some of the lines with my putts. I was hitting good putts all day, and then I finally got some good drop at the end.
Q. What does it mean to put the first point on the board?
BROOKE MATTHEWS: Yeah, it was awesome. It looks like Team USA is having a good day, and we're looking forward to cheering on the rest of our girls coming in.
Q. Rachel, we'll come to you now. 3&1 on Lauren Walsh. How did you feel your match went?
RACHEL HECK: I would say about the same as Brooke. We both played some great golf all day. I really felt in control of my game. I was able to pull away a little at the end, but it was such a great match. Lauren played awesome.
Q. Did you feel as you put another point on the board, you're getting closer to the winning line?
RACHEL HECK: Yeah, it's really exciting. Every point, every half point matters. Now we're super pumped to go cheer on the rest of the team.
Q. Did you know what was happening elsewhere, or was it just a case of focusing on your game, getting your point on the board?
RACHEL HECK: Yeah, I knew everyone was playing well. It was really back and forth all day. I kind of asked my captains how everyone is doing and said everyone is playing well, a little back and forth. To come off the green and see Brooke right there, that was pretty cool because I knew she had clutched something.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports