Curtis Cup

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Hannah Darling

Q. Hannah, you've put half a point on the board for GB&I. How did you feel it went?

HANNAH DARLING: Just disappointed with the way it ended, to be honest. Yeah, it just wasn't great. I wanted to get my point earlier and halved the load, which, yes, just disappointed for that part. (Indiscernible) to make sure that happens.

Q. When Elaine picked you first to go out, how much pride did you feel being the one selected to go out first this morning?

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, obviously, a lot of pride with that. It's a big responsibility. Yeah, I felt like I had it under control, but, yeah, it's just someone has to do it. I was really comfortable and happy that it was me. I felt like I played decent for the first 15 holes or something, then just let it slip a little bit, but not bad.

Q. You played some great golf this week. How would you reflect on the week as a whole?

HANNAH DARLING: Yeah, I played good golf. I'm still furious it's not good enough. I'm going to America next week to start my university, so, yeah, I just actually need to work on a few things, and it's just the perfect place for me to do that. Yeah, just a few areas to sharpen up this week.

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111900-2-1146 2021-08-28 13:18:00 GMT

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