Curtis Cup

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Rachel Kuehn

Q. Rachel, your point against Louise Duncan is the winner of the Curtis Cup for Team USA. Tell me how you're feeling right now.

RACHEL KUEHN: It's unbelievable. To know that we had only scored one point and a half after the first day and to make the comeback we did yesterday and then to come out and win a bunch of single matches early, and I've been told we're leading in the ones back there too, really makes a statement. And it just shows that we can compete with anyone and that we didn't give up after the first day.

It would have been easy to hold your head down and just kind of drag along into the second and third days, but that's not what we did. We kept our heads high, and we knew that we were bound to get some breaks and make some putts, and that's what happened.

Q. Talk me through your game with Louise. How did you feel that went?

RACHEL KUEHN: She's a great player. Obviously what she did last week and what she's done so far this week, phenomenal player. I have a feeling our paths will cross again. She played great. I held some putts and got some good bounces, and that's just kind of how golf goes, I guess. I played pretty steady and tried to keep myself in position.

Q. What was the words from the captain this morning going into the round? You had obviously locked at six points apiece, and you went on and done it.

RACHEL KUEHN: Absolutely. We all knew we only had to win four to retain, but that wasn't our goal. Our goal was to go out and to win eight singles matches. The more we can win, the less pressure it is on the girls coming in. Just one more point you can put up for your country, it's a huge deal.

Q. What was going through your head when the girls approached you on the last green to tell you it was you, it was you that got the point?

RACHEL KUEHN: They said it. They come up, and they're like, You won. We clinched. I was like excuse me? It didn't process. They had to say it again, and once they said it again, it was like, oh, my God, we won. Again, the comeback we made, I'm so proud of our team. We really kept fighting.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111901-1-1182 2021-08-28 13:34:00 GMT

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