AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Emily Pedersen

Q. How do you feel about your start?

EMILY PEDERSEN: Good. I think it was good to get in under par today. It was really, really cold and wet this morning, and obviously played a little bit tough. Then you have the last four, where you just need to survive a little bit. So I'm happy to have a round under par.

Q. How difficult was it coming from the weather the first couple of days of practice to the conditions you saw this morning?

EMILY PEDERSEN: Well, it was complete opposite. We've had sun, and then we've had the wind from west on all practice days. Today was east/southeast and rainy. I said to my caddie on the 1st hole, I'm happy we played a practice round because it's completely different.

Q. Had you had that experience at Carnoustie before playing here?

EMILY PEDERSEN: No, first time at Carnoustie.

Q. Given what you did last year at Troon, though, you obviously like links golf.

EMILY PEDERSEN: Yeah, I do like it. I like that you can't think too far ahead. It's about kind of surviving each and every shot. Normally, I do like when it becomes a bit tough and you have to shape the ball a little bit or things get difficult.

Q. It's regarded as tough days of golf at Carnoustie, but you obviously handled it well. What were the keys to your round today?

EMILY PEDERSEN: I stayed patient, and then my short game was really, really good. So the times I was out of position, I got it up and down apart from a few times. Then the short birdie putts I had, I made, and I didn't have loads of chances, but it was just kind of grinding away.

Q. Looking into tomorrow, trying to just build on that obviously?

EMILY PEDERSEN: Yeah, I'll build on it. Hopefully, I'll hit a few more greens, have a few more putts for birdie, and yeah, not so many chips.

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111629-2-1182 2021-08-19 10:51:00 GMT

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