AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Madelene Sagstrom

STUART MOFFATT: We are now joined by Madelene Sagstrom after her 5-under par round of 67. Madelene, can you just give us your thoughts on your performance today.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Very solid. I putted really, really well. I think that was kind of what saved me. I made some really long putts today, and I knew that, if I could just get on the green, I have a chance for birdie or a chance to save my par.

I wasn't striking it great, but I was missing in the right spots. So I didn't really lose any shots there, and I just -- my putting was really what helped me out.

STUART MOFFATT: Four birdies in the first six holes, that must have given you real momentum for the rest of the round.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Oh, yeah, absolutely. The first few was playing very differently from the practice rounds we've had. It was completely opposite wind. So I was kind of trying to figure out, okay, I played the back nine with the same wind we played today, and I was like how is this going to play in the front?

It was a little bit of an easier start than I've seen the other days, but then 5 was really tough, and I made a really long putt there. It was definitely nice to get off to a hot start and just get the putter -- I mean, I putted great. I'm going to say that a million times today, but that's really what helped me out.

Q. Hi, Madelene. Great round today.


Q. Obviously, when we saw the pairings, we're like, oh, that's fun playing alongside the captain. What was your initial thought when you saw the pairing? Did you feel a little bit of extra pressure since this is the final event for qualifying for Solheim?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Well, I'm always excited to play with Catriona. She's a great person and a great golfer. Of course I want to show off my game to her. I can't deny that. I mean, I'm playing well at the moment. Who knows where her mind is at right now? I'm just trying to play as well as I can to give myself a chance for that team.

I haven't put too much pressure on myself this time. I put a little bit more pressure on myself both in '17 and '19, really wanting to make that team, and I'm kind of at a state where I'm like, if I'm good enough, I will make that team. If my game is wanted, I will be on that team, and if not, I'm just going to keep practicing and keep trying to make the next team or just keep finishing off this year strong.

Q. Just a quick follow-up, we talked about your putting. What feels so good in your putting right now? Is it the stroke? Is it the greens? What do you like the most?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Well, I've always kind of considered myself a good putter. I've always been a good ball starter -- like I've always started the ball really nicely, and I just started doing AimPoint probably a month and a half ago, like full-on AimPoint, and it's really clicking with me. I can really start seeing the lines better.

I always tend to miss my putts a bit low, and now this week my putting coach, Jul (phonetic), is here, so he's been helping. We've been walking around hitting millions of putts, just trying to get used to the speeds. It gets quite different downwind, into the wind, over the hills. It can really differ. So we've just been focusing on speed and just dialing into my AimPoint, and it's just been working really well for me.

Q. Could you give us the name of your putting coach.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Jul Karlsson (phonetic). I work with Mark Sweeney too with AimPoint.

STUART MOFFATT: Thank you very much, Madelene.

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111635-1-1182 2021-08-19 13:06:00 GMT

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