AIG Women's Open

Press Conference

Friday, 20 August 2021

Lizette Salas

LIZETTE SALAS: It's definitely special and thinking back to 2019, I had a really good finish and I could play well on links golf. I finished six in St Andrews in 2013 and John was on the bag. I feel good, six weeks on the road, five weeks in Europe so just trying to conserve as much energy and finish on a good note.

THE MODERATOR: Exciting time as well with Solheim.

LIZETTE SALAS: Definitely, this is a good test. There's a lot at stake here, a lot of spots are up for grabs. Obviously want to secure my spot and represent the red white ask blue but at the same time ^ just have to focus on what I can control. It's a good practise for what's coming ahead in a few weeks, so yeah, I think Team USA is using this as a good practise.

Q. What part of your game do you feel like is clicking the best right now?

LIZETTE SALAS: Well, I just switched to a new putter a few days ago, and I'm starting to roll it a lot better. I'm also using a greens book this week just to really make sure I'm on the right path and again I'm not really getting in trouble off the tee. I did yesterday, which you know, cost me a few shots but really like my long irons and hybrids are really solid right now, and I think that's what's keeping the momentum going.

Q. What kind of putter did you switch to?

LIZETTE SALAS: That's a good question. It's a PING putter and honestly I went into the truck this week and I just needed to look at something different. I've been out here for six weeks and I needed a change. It's a different hosel. It's more to-hang putter and sets up really well and I'm obviously making a few putts out there. So yeah, that's the new toy.

Q. I guess it's working. My last question is, at the KPMG, seemed to be a big turning point for you certainly, bared your soul a lot to us. In the aftermath of that, how do you feel things have changed for you mentally in terms of where your game is at and what's possible?

LIZETTE SALAS: You know, a lot happened that week, a lot of good things. I think it also changed my expectations of myself. Obviously when I haven't -- honestly I have not been performing or putting as well as I did that week which has really been frustrating. So it's been a lot of mixed emotions. My swing, my ball-striking's been on point. It's just the putts haven't been dropping.

So for me that's kind of been like it hurts a little bit to know that I could still hit the shots but I can't finish the job. It's been -- honestly I probably should have taken a break after KPMG. I kind of pushed myself a little too much physically and mentally to continue competing, but you know, this is all a learning experience. Now I know like what my body and my mind can take or my mental game can take. You know, we are just trying to have some fun and finish on a good note this week.

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111674-1-1003 2021-08-20 11:53:00 GMT

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