AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 4 August 2022

Linn Grant

Q. You won the Amateur at North Berwick; is that correct?


Q. Any nice memories of being back in town? Are you staying in a similar sort of area this week?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, actually we went back to North Berwick yesterday evening just to check it out and show my coach the place, and we walked around it for a bit. I mean, I enjoy it here, so it's always nice to be able to have some sort of connection.

Q. Not staying in the same spot?

LINN GRANT: Not the same spot. I think we stayed at Troon that time -- no, that's the other way. I can't remember but not the same.

Q. You played quite well at Troon?


Q. Semifinal possibly?

LINN GRANT: Troon, won there once. The Helen Holm, finished third.

Q. So actually the connection to Scotland, being back at links is quite a good, positive nice thing?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I like to think so at least. Just hope, like I said before, just strategy is a bit different from playing every week in not these conditions. So kind of have to get used to it a bit.

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