AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Friday, 5 August 2022

Madelene Sagstrom

Q. Take us through the round, what went especially well for you today?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Putting. Putting, putting, putting. I did miss two quite short putts but I putted really, really well today. That helped my momentum. I was hitting it good enough to give myself some chances and keeping it in play. Didn't hit in the bunkers today which helps out in links golf but putting was the thing.

Q. There's an assumption that there's going to be a bit of luck in links golf because of the bounces and also sometimes because of the weather, everybody was expecting big winds this afternoon and kind of the wind gave you a break.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Weather is always a factor and we all know that at the end of the day, it probably evens out over the course of a few.

Years but I mean, it's beautiful out there right now. We still got a little breeze, but it kind of calmed down a little bit in the end. It still makes you think. It always makes you think out here and you have to be lucky. You have to have some good bounces go your way.

Q. The mindset is the same, anything can happen on the weekend and you can have tougher conditions, so how do you plan for the weekend?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Well, right now I'm going to go eat and just rest up. I think just going out and giving myself a chance, keep hitting the shots. It's more important this week, going out, making the decisions and trying to hit the shots and then hoping that I pull them off and sometimes it might bounce my way and sometimes it might not but I think links golf, you have to be so accepting out there. You have to be so submitted to the process and not take out anything in advance because you have to keep grinding until the last putt, really.

Q. You would have came over here when you were younger to play in the Amateur?


Q. Links golf, was it love or hate at first sight?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: It was hate at first sight. Mega hate at first sight. I remember particularly well we played a British Am in Wales and the weather was horrendous and I couldn't keep the ball low to save my life. I figured it out from there. This is my sixth season as a pro, so it's taken me a little bit of time.

Q. Do you love it now, or not quite?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I think it's one of those very charming way of playing golf. It really just brings out all the creativity and you just have to really bring out all the tools that you have.

Q. Patience is a virtue.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: A lot of acceptance, yeah.

Q. Is that something you might not have had as a youngster?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Probably not. A little too heated probably.

Q. You were runner-up in the last, but did you look at that more of a chance when you reflect, or you sneaked in, I suppose at the runner-up?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: If somebody would have told me I would have finished second, I would have taken it all week. We all got -- an in a defeated us all, so it's one of those things that anything can happen in links golf. I made a good run for it but I was really pleased with my second place.

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123469-1-1003 2022-08-05 16:46:00 GMT

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