AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Friday, 5 August 2022

Hinako Shibuno

Q. Take me through what were some of the differences between yesterday and today for you out there.

HINAKO SHIBUNO: My shot was either going to the right or left or whatever, but the chance was not very -- quite huge.

Q. A lone birdie on No. 9. What was working so well? Take me through that hole.

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Well, until 9, I was very patient, but I was having fun.

Q. No. 1, I know it's always hard to start with a bogey, but what did you say to yourself to kind of cleanse yourself and refocus?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Well, I said to myself, be calm, calm down, calm down, yeah.

Q. What will you look forward to this weekend and what will you look to improve as two days remain here at the AIG Women's Open?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I'm starving right now, so I just want to go have dinner.

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123470-1-1003 2022-08-05 16:53:00 GMT

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