AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Charley Hull

Q. Tell us about your round. What went well for you?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I played quite well. I played steady. I made a bogey on the first hole but I bounced back with two birdies straight on.

I made some good birdies out there but just wasn't -- middle of my round. I hit some good putts. They just didn't drop. I had one bobble on me and I hit a good stroke. And made a nice eagle on 17.

And then my chip on 18, I thought it was in. It was a tricky little chip over the slope down the hill, yeah, but no it was a good day. I'm happy and obviously I've never really performed that well on the links. So I think a low one tomorrow, and especially you never know what happens on a links golf course.

Q. Are you embracing the conditions?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I definitely think I've had the worse side of the draw. Obviously late on the first day and yesterday had the early morning and it dropped off, the wind in the afternoon yesterday. Just embracing it and having fun, and just another week at work.

Q. In a major, you realise that you are completely in the mix; anything can happen tomorrow?

CHARLEY HULL: Exactly. Anything can happen. Never forget the first professional event I won, I was 17, and I shot 9-under in the final round to get into the playoff and I won, so you never know.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123488-1-1003 2022-08-06 16:30:00 GMT

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