AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Saturday, 6 August 2022

In Gee Chun

Q. Solid round of golf. Not easy. Give us your assessment of how that went.

IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, it was not easy and it was a bit windy out there. I think my game was like really good today.

So I had two bogeys but golf is always like not easy. I think it was another good experience with the big wind out there.

Q. It was a very big wind, sometimes gusting up to 25, 26 miles an hour. Your pace putting stood out. You've got very good control on these greens. What's the secret?

IN GEE CHUN: I don't have any secrets. Just trying to make good distance even with the big wind, I just tried a lot of self-talk on the green. Because with downwind and then into the wind, it makes different speed, links course keeps changing, the wind, especially links course. So I just did a lot of like self-talk.

Q. It's a golf course that's particularly unique, Muirfield, because the wind direction on each hole consistently changes. You never get a few holes in the same direction. That must take its toll mentally. How tired do you feel mentally and physically after a round at Muirfield?

IN GEE CHUN: I think it's not tired. It's more fun. I don't have many experience to play the links course. But always is like I think I have a whole different experience from each and every round. So I think I really enjoyed to play golf here.

Q. And just finally, with all that experience in the bank now, and a bit of a gap to try and catch Ashleigh tomorrow, what's the mindset? Who will you go out there thinking on the first tee?

IN GEE CHUN: First tee, I made a lot of good putts on the greens. Hopefully it will drop tomorrow. Just know that I can't control the weather and how other players play. Just try to keep focussed on my game. Just trying to do my best to stay in present.

Q. In golf we know anything can happen, so good luck tomorrow?

IN GEE CHUN: Thank you very much.

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