AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Charley Hull

Q. Pleased with the start?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I'm happy. Obviously I didn't hit it well off the tee today. That's something I can work on but I feel like I made the most of it. Even left a few shots out there.

The heather was pretty hard today. It was quite tricky. I twinged my wrist a little. I get a ganglione cyst here and it's come up a little bit, but it's not too bad. But yeah that heather is pretty tricky.

Q. Would you have taken 1-under at the start of the day?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, definitely. It got kind of windy out there at one point. It was good fun. I think, you know, anything under par is a good score on this golf course.

Q. Eagle, brighten things up after you had the sticky patch there?

CHARLEY HULL: Exactly. I thought I had my putt on 17, and I had a good chance on 18, but it was a weird putt. I felt like it was quite a bit bobbly that putt was on 18, and just had to get it rolling. But no, I played pretty good.

Q. Tell us about the eagle.

CHARLEY HULL: Just hit driver, 7-iron and holed like a 25-, 30-footer.

Q. Perfect day for weather, good crowds. What was the home support like?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it was great. Obviously I was out early. It was good fun to get it done, and tomorrow is Friday and hopefully there's a lot more people out there. It was nice to see my dad and my brother-in-law James out there. Yeah, it was nice.

Q. Hoping the wind picks up a bit this afternoon?

CHARLEY HULL: It did pick up midway through the round but looks like it's dropped now. It's not a links golf course, so you don't really expect the wind to get up too much.

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135707-1-1003 2023-08-10 12:49:00 GMT

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