Q. Great round today, sitting on top of the leaderboard right now. What were some of the difficulties and challenges out on the course for you today?
JEONGEUN LEE6: I think tee shot was a little bit challenge because a lot of rough and heather. They are very tricky to play, so I focus on just hit the fairway. I didn't play aggressively, just hit the middle and just make putts, like that.
Q. Did you stay out of the heather? Were you in the heather at all?
Q. The last nine seemed to be the best part of your round. What suited you on the back nine?
JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, even I had a lot of birdie chance in front nine but I missed a few putts. And then back nine, I focused just putting speed and I made a few putts and I'm really happy with the back nine, yeah.
Q. Are there a lot of birdie opportunities out here or is par a good score on this course?
JEONGEUN LEE6: I have a lot of birdie chances, so yeah.
Q. How did you get the birdie opportunities? Was it putting? Short game? Off the tee.
JEONGEUN LEE6: Just shot, yeah. Second shot.
Q. Why was that?
JEONGEUN LEE6: Because we have to make birdie chance and then make birdie, and yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports